Daily Archives: November 4, 2014

Republicans are free marketers…when convenient

“LET THE MARKET DECIDE” is the battle cry of Republicans except when they do not like what the market decided.

Republicans want to blame President Obama and the Democrats for interfering with oil company profits. Writing of energy production, they tell us “Democrats Should Join the Revolution“. The Republicans have conveniently ignored the fact that oil production in the Obama administration has increased to the point where we are predicted to be energy independent by 2015.1 CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a Republican free marketer advocate, recently stated concerning gas price caps in “China, India and all of the Middle East”, “Now personally I think they should get rid of price caps completely.”2 Well, now that the Saudis have cut oil prices, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera stated this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show that the Saudis are trying to drive U.S. shale production out of business. She also stated the Saudis are trying to hurt the Russian oil market too. Hey Republican’s, try not to contradict yourself! You claim we should live and die by the prices set by the market but when the market is killing your oil production buddies you start squealing and complaining? It seems that the Democrats are not your biggest enemy but the free market. Maybe you should just shut up and take your medicine. After all, you are the ones that prescribed it.


1 See IEA Predicts the U.S. Will Be the World’s Largest Oil Producer by 2015

2 See Caruso-Cabrera’s Snowball in Hades: ‘Europe’s High Gas Taxes Pay for Outdated Socialist Programs’