Monthly Archives: November 2016

Levinas and the Problem of Metaphysics

Philosophy Series Contents (to be updated with each new installment)

Philosophy Series 1 – Prelude to the Philosophy Series

Philosophy Series 2 – Introduction

Philosophy Series 3 – Appendix A, Part 1

Philosophy Series 4 – The Pre-Socratics – Hesiod

Philosophy Series 5 – A Detour of Time

Philosophy Series 6 – The Origin

Philosophy Series 7 – Eros

Philosophy Series 8 – Thales

Philosophy Series 9 – An Interlude to Anaximander

Philosophy Series 10 – On the Way to Anaximander: Language and Proximity

Philosophy Series 11 – Aristotle and Modernity: The Eternal and Science

Philosophy Series 12 – Levinas and the Problem of Metaphysics

Philosophy Series 13 – On Origin

Philosophy Series 14 – George Orwell and Emmanuel Levinas Introspective: Socialism and the Other


Levinas and the Problem of Metaphysics

In a previous post I made the statement, “The transcendent step into externality and away from moaning, groaning, complaining and self-pity is not ‘out there’ somewhere. It is in simply putting one leg in front of the other to make our democracy live up to its promise.” This may be a bit mystifying for many unfamiliar with Levinas but for anyone familiar with Levinas it would need further clarification. From what I know of Levinas, he would not have thought a “step into externality” possible. In Levinas, externality is not an ontology, a mode of being. In fact, the essence of ontology is total-ism; reducing the other to the idea of the other. Essence and ontology totalize the other. It commits murder to the other; to the absolute alterity of the other. While I understand this is his position I find a point of departure between Levinas and myself to some extent regarding this particular point.

Levinas thought that metaphysics always had a hint, a trace, of the other which was effaced as history. He was not willing to completely think of metaphysics as simply another deprecated form of ontology. Certainly it was misunderstood in history as an ontology but Levinas wanted to leave room for an erasure of a trace, as Derrida might think it, in metaphysics. This curious tenant in Levinas might have tentacles which extend beyond his ingenious body of work. Specifically, if metaphysics as a notion can have some positive affinity, event in its erasure, with the absolute externality of the other, why wouldn’t it be possible for the notion of externality to also hold open a similar shadow of the other as the notion of ‘transcendent’ equally holds for Levinas?

From a Platonic and later Hegelian point of view, this possibility holds open the way for a step into the erased ‘essence’ of language as negation. From the earliest Greek philosophers, the ‘privation’, the gaping void, can be taken into thinking as Heidegger’s essence of metaphysics or Hegel’s essential operative in the step from thesis to antithesis and in turn to Aufhebung
(thought perhaps too simply as synthesis). For Levinas, a Heideggerian reduction of metaphysics, to dasein’s (being there) thrown nullity, is an ontological totality. It leaves out the absolute gap in the face of the other. For Levinas, Hegel recognized the problematic nature of negation but did not think outside purely ‘logical’ terms. By ‘logical’ I mean what the Science of the Logic thinks as Bergriff, absolute Concept. In my thinking, both Heidegger and Hegel have both brilliantly refined and simultaneously perhaps lost a measure of the richness we find in the earliest, ancient Greek thought (and perhaps in even more strands of ancient thinking from Babylon, Egypt, Lydia and Phoenicia of which I know very little). I have made discussions to shore up these possibilities in previous posts. One of the main tenants of my philosophy series has been and will be that the Milesian School and further, the Ionians had a richness that later refining avenues of thought like Neoplatonism lost.

The Peripatetic School began shortly after Aristotle’s death. Many scholars seem to think that the school was more inclined towards Plato and the Italian strand in antiquity where Pythagoras plays an important role. In the later Christian, Latin, era the Peripatetics were revived along with a more Platonic inclination towards the Ionians and the Milesian School. The Ionians were more properly influenced and represented by Hesiod, Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes and Heraclitus. Italian thinking in early ancient Greece as evidenced in Pythagoras was monistic. In later, Latin thinking it took on polytheistic flavors. My thinking along these lines has gravitated towards scholars which have, in my estimation, dismantled much of the lens through which scholasticism and its predecessors have limited our vision of the Ionian philosophers. Heidegger certainly had an acute sense of this loss of a beginning in Greek thinking. My impression is that Hegel also had an understanding of this scholarly strand but in his refined thinking understood the advent of Christianity and its Latin roots as a further progress in Spirit, the Concept. He wrote of individualism, a personal relationship with God, as more enlightened in terms of responsibility and as a more concretizing moment of the Idea. In effect Heidegger was more critical of the loss of the earliest Greek openings and Hegel was more dismissive of its possibilities in terms of the further development of Christianity.

For Hegel, monism seems to find its essence and concrete reality in the Idea. Hegelians seem to think that their virtue in thought consists in the abnegation of dualism, pluralism and its many headed Medusas in history. It seems to me that their notion of Idea certainly departs from the common understanding of idea. Perhaps the vernacular of idea is only a shadow, an erased traced, of what their thinking of Idea is. From the earliest, Hegelianism seems to me to take up a monism of absolute Spirit. This later became more concrete in the polytheism of Rome just before Christianity. However, the Idea of Hegel cannot be set in some sort of opposition from the dualistic notion of materialism. Materialism itself, as Hegel understood, is an idea which cannot be dismantled from the dialectic. The development and movement of Idea are the footprints of history and the totality of Spirit. Certainly, much of this has resonances with Pythagoras, Plato and Neoplatonic thinking.

For Heidegger, these developments highlighted in Hegel, were a forgetting of the Ionian philosophers and the Platonic lens though which modernity thinks of Aristotle. Heidegger finds in Aristotle a lost note that harkens back to the Ionians. Monism thinks everything as one substance (from Latin root). The problem monism opens up is how to explain apparent change. The Milesian School as part of Ionia started with the observation of phusis, our transformed word, ‘physics’. Milesian philosophers wanted to move from the myths of Homer toward what showed itself from more ancient notions as simpler constitutions of water, air, fire and earth.

For Thales, water was primary. For Anaximenes, it was air. For Anaximander, apeiron. Apeiron is the unbound, without limit. This very rich and ancient notion was and is difficult to refine both from lack of ancient source materials and from historic refinements which form a lens through which we think we understand such a lost notion which can only exceed itself and give rise to later developments of the Platonism/Aristotelian difference, a Latin Constantinople, Hegel and Heidegger.

In modernity, apeiron takes the form of energy and logic. Logic, the principle of non-contradiction is the essence of Hegel and appears most obvious for modernity in a deprecated form. Logic is for modernity what constitutes truth. Logic even dominated classic physics although physics has once again taken up the suspicious garb of an excess to logic in quantum mechanics, dark matter and dark energy. In Medieval times the hint of the excess in apeiron was found in God but later lost to everything that could be doubted in Descartes (although found in its way back in his thinking). The dialectic in Hegel truly liberated Idea from an unaccounted for excess. In the Logic, the genius of Hegel’s system is that it allows no seepage which must be later accounted for in terms of an ‘x’ factor where ‘x’ can be substance, matter (dark and otherwise), energy (dark and otherwise), body or even exteriority. There is no excess outside the Idea. For a Hegelian, exteriority is nothing other than an idea which can only be taken up again into the light of the dialectic.

Heidegger was fully aware of these movements away from apeiron towards a historic refinement but he also explicated a forgotten and deemphasized theme in Aristotle. Aristotle’s notion of the relationship of changing forms and the medium from which change is comprehended, make sense of change (even more so provide the basis from which we are even able to be able to notice change), is Being. For Heidegger, Being, ontos, ontology was profoundly thought in Aristotle. For Heidegger, Being is the most mundane, already understood and most easily forgotten strain which came to prominence in the early beginning, the arche, of the Ionians. Being holds together a ‘there’ he called dasein (‘me’ as the there of being). Heidegger spoke of many modalities and ways of being from the phenomenological tradition of Husserl. As for Husserl’s transcendental apperceptions and Heidegger’s Being there is a fine subtlety, complexity and easily misunderstood (as semblance) tendency Heidegger termed everydayness. Everydayness falls in das man (the they self) and forgets its authentic relationship to Being. This is the early Heidegger but after the mystic ‘turn’ in his latter life he resists the all too easy pre-understood fall into the thinking of Being with what he terms ereignis, an event of appropriation. In all of Heidegger’s thinking I think there is a struggle to reawaken to notions of the Ionians and once again, for another first time, encounter apeiron. However, for me, the fait accompli in Heidegger is the gap given by the neuter and the he or the she.

In Levinas, exteriority is not in the possibilities of the idea. It is not neuter. It faces us as the other. The mystification of the idea still remains on the dead stuff of substance. For the Ionians this was not such an easy reduction as evidenced by the widespread animism of their era. However, animism thought through the modern lens once again falls into the trap of the neuter. Animals are not so much thought as he’s or she’s except in purely biologically reduced terms. This notion of he’s and she’s borrows much from the historic and deep rooted notion of the neuter. The neuter can be thought as the negation of the he or the she. For Levinas, the he and the she is the face of the other person. In this way, the struggle to idea-ize externality which can never be completed is finally put to rest not as fully understood but as terminated in Ethics.

For Kant and Hegel ethics is duty. Ethics proceeds from idea. It is the altruism we owe the Idea. For Levinas, Ethics is responsibility facing the other. Concreteness of the Idea still finds place in the light, in the possibility for consciousness. The error of presence from early Greek thinking easily forgets any excess to presence and light. Only in the negation can exteriority find its way into the modern lens, modern sight. Sight dominates being for modernity and easily loses the limitation of sight. It takes sight to be Idea and everything else as negation. Thus, negation is sight’s answer to exteriority. It is totalizing, reductionary and finds no way past itself to the other. However, notice that negation which is way too easily pre-understood as the not of idea, of sight, must be reduced to an opposite to be effectively used in the dialectic. Only if negation is simply understood as opposite can the dialectic proceed. This clever move by Hegel thrusts idea into a movement of opposites which can only find a Pythagorean harmony from the cacophony of excess in the dialectic. However, the dialectic as totality fails to account for anything which can possibly exceed it except in the reduction of negation. For Hegel, ethics must proceed from an obligation to the demands of Idea and self-determination. For Levinas, exteriority is not reduced and summed up in negation but remains as absolute alterity in the face to face encounter of the other. Ethics is therefore responsibility before the transcendent alterity of a he or a she that faces me. Levinas finds this radical exteriority is what metaphysics always aimed for but failed in history. He also thinks language and even world in Heidegger’s sense as a recoil from the face of the other. In this move I think we can gleam something of language and its failure as a medium, a mixture in Aristotle’s simplistic thinking of the ancient Greeks.

Hegelians are correct in their assessment that idea has relevance. However, the relevance found in the light of the dialectic cannot hermetically seal us in Idea, in a monad of System. Language can only show based on privation, its absolute inability to be able. Thus negation is the virtue and service language provides us. We can know what is not as in the limit of which apeiron refers in its ‘a’ of privation. Limit certainly plays a role in apeiron but only to make way for what it cannot be. ‘What it cannot be’ is what Being cannot be. It is what Idea cannot think. It is an excess which cannot be neuter, cannot be extinguished in light, reason and thought. It can only be faced in the exteriority of the face of the he or the she.

Some have criticized Levinas as anthropomorphic. The obsession with the merely human has also been a way of totalizing violence with regard to nature (physis). However, isn’t anthropomorphism the radical loss of the exteriority of the other? Isn’t it yet again another attempt to idea-ize all, a totality? If apeiron, Heraclitus’ river which can never be stepped in twice and chaos, the fertile void, the yawning gap of Hesiod and other ancients is merely mystification, it is merely idea; the stubborn refusal to let go. If exteriority faces us in the other we feel we can idea-ize it without losing the other; we can transform the other. This transformation can only succeed as negation; as Idea.

Effectively, we have the choice for idea based ethics and ethics founded in the epiphany of the face with all its blemishes, beauty and age. If epiphany opens toward externality then the “step into externality” is the step towards the other which absolutely confounds us and also leaves room for humility and obligation. If negation ends at limit in light and idea we only have an abstraction of ourselves which can only have relative degrees of concretization and is a poor and violent mask for the effacement of the other. In the other we may find a way towards the apeiron and in so doing find a respite between the Greek and the Jew; a very difficult task from a purely occidental, historic lens.

Philosophy Series 13 – On Origin

After a Hard Day’s Night…

Integrity is hard work. It does not come naturally or easily. Personally, I have endured some hard blows and scars which will endure in me to my last breath in the struggle to be honest. Integrity is built on personal honesty. There are times in life when a lie holds the illusion of a quick an easy way out of an ethical dilemma. However, unless you have no conscience, you find that every lie you tell leaves a bitter pill in your soul that will continually come back to haunt you in the most innocuous and inopportune moments. Every lie builds a hardness around you that entombs the pure and innocent child, full of life and beauty and hope and wonder, in a living stagnation, a resignation and despair which constitute a living death. It bogs the soul down in resentment, negativity, fear, anxiety and anger. Only a sociopath can tell lies without any toll to be paid, at least consciously. I believe Donald Trump is such a person. He is now the President of the free world.

Trump has been caught in lie after lie. Contradiction seems to be no problem for him. He has told many lies to win this election. Those folks that elected him thinking he will increase their personal incomes and make them prosperous are the ones that ultimately will face a harsh punishment from Trump lies. Trump cannot bring jobs back to this country. He has a factual history of taking jobs out of this country. Trade agreements will not hinder or facilitate the creation and restoration of jobs in this country. The bottom line is that when impoverished countries have people that will work for pennies on the dollar to what our citizens can work for to have any sort of a livable wage we will never be able to compete in purely capitalistic, dollars and cents, terms. No political lie or promise will change the economic worldwide shift brought about by technology and global capitalism.

If fact, trying to manipulate trade deals and treaties to “bring jobs back to the US” will only raise prices for the basic necessities of life. The increased cost of groceries, fuel, building materials for shelter, textiles and all the luxuries we have come to enjoy will first and foremost hit the most unfortunate among us. Those folks in rural regions of the country who were hit hard by the credit bubble burst brought on by a rabid financial deregulation pushed those who were living above their means back into the stark reality of vulture capitalism. This ugly bird has devoured the carcasses of many historic societies.

Mercantilism which drove our Founding Fathers into a new world and was most prominent in Thomas Jefferson’s reaction to the consolation of power, resulted in the typical and tragic repeated story of slavery and aristocracy. Left to its own devices pure, Austrian, capitalism has repeatedly shown us that unrestricted wealth is unrestricted power. It has always resulted in one percent basking in the purgatives of the master and ninety-nine percent living in the tragic impoverishment of enslavement to the harsh and dyer realities of suffering, torment and early death. That story will never change left to its own devices.

Adam Smith’s selfishness which gave way to competition and thereby more efficient cost of services and increased value to consumers is now working on a global scale. Very few politicians, especially Republicans can openly state the true case for global competition. As Americans we are on the losing end of the competition wars when it comes to labor and cost of goods produced except in certain very narrow markets where automation can be achieved. Even then, the capital costs are prohibitive to newcomers to free market competition. In effect, the natural barrier to competition in production in the US market is enormous up front capital investment. The double punch of much lower labor costs in foreign markets than we can possibly achieve here and the huge capital outlay for domestic production lines will ensure that the US will likely never see the affluence that the industrial revolution once afforded us.

The dark side of selfishness is the intoxication of power. The human ego attains the illusion of godhood when infused with the aspiration of absolute power. In effect, power and consolidation result in market manipulation of cost and create barriers to the kind of competition Adam Smith envisioned. Monopolies are thereby the antithesis to more efficient and reduced cost of goods and services. If this could be thought in the far right’s anti-government terms it would be called ‘tyranny’. The Machiavellian struggle of monopolies and globalism can only be interrupted with government intervention not with xenophobia.

The ‘government’, our government, is not a harsh vulture capitalist monster which picks the bones of its victims. It is an instrument of the people which takes money from the private sector and redistributes it to the masses. It is an economic device which when working as our Founding Fathers intended resists the tendency for power to simply be reduced to the survival of the fittest. It holds the promise of a Titan strong enough to fight the historic monster of aristocracy, dictators and tyrants. Our government was never meant to be a tyrant. Only when the people are active in making the government work for the people and not getting elected simply to “drown the baby in the bathwater” or “starve the beast” can we hope to form a more perfect union. When regulation works for the people it comes from the demand of the people not the corporatism of the wealthy. Starving the beast will only give the corporate beast free reign to protect its own interests, regulate competition out of existence and allow the vulture of capitalism to eternally eat the liver of Prometheus only to have it devoured again when it grows back.

The only hope for common folks is to have a champion which can match up to the Titans of capitalism and industry. If we make the government small we are also giving free reign to the economic ‘redistribution’ of capital into receptive bastions of power fueled by greed and selfishness. These bastions hold no allegiance to the people only to themselves at the eternal cost of the people (otherwise known as slavery). They do not rest when they deliver essential goods and services for human survival. They must create artificial needs and illusory aspirations which work more like the curse of Sisyphus. The only true allegiance to the people is in the government by and for the people. If we buy the lie that unhindered capitalism will result in affluence for all we have ignored history and accepted our slavery as illusive, aspirational freedom. Trump did not get rich by being an humanitarian. He got rich by coming from wealth and stepping over anyone that got in his way and not paying anyone he owed when he felt financially threatened. He could care less about the average country bumpkin who is counting on him to ease his lot in life. He can never, due to global economic realities and his own illusions of grandeur, do what he promised.

Sure he can spend lots of money on infrastructure which has some economic benefit and ineffective ‘great walls of China’ which will only increase the deficit. He can reduce taxes for corporations and the wealthy which will also increase the deficit with the lack of revenue inflow. He will change the deficit reduction we had in the Obama years after the Great, GW Bush Recession. He will bring us back to the deficit increase under GW Bush reversing the surplus we had in the Clinton years. These are economic facts which cannot be ‘spun’ away by creative marketing on the right.

Trump has brought our country back to ‘nativism’ and isolationism along with rising xenophobia and fascism in Europe, the middle east and Asia. These same historic conditions set the stage for Nazi Germany, Italian and Japanese fascists. When Hitler came to power the first thing he did was consolidate power to himself. The American People have handed Trump the Congress and the Supreme Court. This is the first step towards a Führer. We can only hope that our Constitution will hold and he will fail.

Trump and Putin believe that low and medium yield nukes will give us regional victories without escalating into a major nuclear apocalypse. Trump tells us “we have nukes why don’t we use them”? Can we stop Trump before he is impeached for interning and deporting millions of immigrants? Maybe. Can we stop him from religious and ethnic suppression and ‘cleansing’ with impeachment based on Constitutional grounds? Possibly. However, we have significantly weakened our chance by giving him a running start with the Congress and the Supreme Court. It would be a denial of reality to think these possibilities are lessened considering his remarks and the white nationalist company he likes to keep.

I do not want to be alarmist as that is equally irrational but certain dark forces have been set in motion which history has repeatedly shown us can gain a momentum which culminate in epic human tragedy. With the advent of nuclear weapons we may not have the ability to crawl out of our human weaknesses, fallibilities, insecurities, greediness and fears to find another day. The stakes are high and half of our population has played a bluff in a very dangerous game. Anger does not solve problems. It only creates more problems. We will not find a solution in the dictates of sociologic anger. Storm clouds are gathering over the world which have lead us to the brink before. This time we may be able to come back.

Nevertheless, sinking into dark and foreboding thoughts has never solved a problem. Many of us in Boulder County worked our tails off to stop this national tragedy. We are proud and we think we were the primary reason we were able to keep Colorado blue. We canvassed and phone banked the county and surrounding counties so they could not cease hearing their phone ring and their doors knocked until they voted. We can sleep at night knowing we did not violate our conscience. When problems loom large on the macroscopic scale the only relief can be found in the microscopic scale. Our Constitution is based and founded on this. If we lose our democracy and our liberal ideal of fair marketplace and a hand up not a handout we will have lost any claim to historic uniqueness and exceptionalism. The US will be a fatal failure of history and the crushing ambitions of the few will squash any such fragile notion as ‘we the people’.

Our response to Trump and the future gravity of fascism can only take place in each one of us, in our resolve to keep working with eyes on the prize. We cannot let the dazzling brilliance of frenzied, right-wing lame stream media marketing fear, anxiety, dread and paranoia to lull us into passiveness. The transcendent step into externality and away from moaning, groaning, complaining and self-pity is not ‘out there’ somewhere. It is in simply putting one leg in front of the other to make our democracy live up to its promise. If we try to put more into existence than we took out of it we will free the pure and innocent child, full of life and beauty and hope and wonder. To stand full and free of a haunting conscience is the struggle of adulthood which takes place in locomotion, steps from dawn to dusk, each day. Passivity denies promise. My friends in this dark place we find ourselves in, failure is behind us promise is ahead of us and all we have to do is walk towards the light.


Trump’s Red Lame Stream Media – Nightmares Work

Fox News, Breitbart and all the other lying right wing sources are reporting that anonymous sources are telling them that indictments are coming in the FBI investigation to Hillary Clinton. However, Trump is telling everyone that since the system is rigged the indictments may get buried by the Justice Department. Funny how the red lame stream media has conveniently discovered these anonymous sources days before the election. Actually, only s**t for brains would take these jokers seriously. As any fascist cult leader would do, Hitler was the best, they simultaneously make preposterous claims, discredit any other contradictory source and give themselves a way out, the ‘rigged system’, when their lies inevitably show themselves to be pure propaganda.

Here are some quotes from a Spiegel Online article in 2008 and some of my comments in brackets:

How Hitler Won Over the German People

[Trump will “drain the swamp”]

“Today Hitler Is All of Germany.” The newspaper headline on Aug. 4, 1934 reflected the vital shift in power that had just taken place. Two days earlier, on the death of Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler had lost no time in abolishing the Reich Presidency and having the army swear a personal oath of unconditional obedience to him as “the Führer of the German Reich and People.” He was now head of state and supreme commander of the armed forces, as well as head of government and of the monopoly party, the NSDAP. Hitler had total power in Germany, unrestricted by any constitutional constraints. The headline implied even more, however, than the major change in the constellation of power. It suggested an identity of Hitler and the country he ruled, signifying a complete bond between the German people and Hitler.

[The vote is “rigged”. Check out current stories on the right wing “Voter Integrity Project” and right wing vote rigging. Also, the Trump campaign’s voter suppression tactics.]

The referendum that followed on 19 August 1934, to legitimize the power-political change that had occurred, aimed at demonstrating this identity. “Hitler for Germany — all of Germany of Hitler” ran the slogan. As the result showed, however, reality lagged behind propaganda. According to the official figures, over a sixth of voters defied the intense pressure to conform and did not vote “yes.” In some big working-class areas of Germany, up to a third had not given Hitler their vote. Even so, there were one or two tantalizing hints that Hitler’s personal appeal outstripped that of the Nazi regime itself, and even more so of the Party [Is Trump outstripping the Republican Party?]. “For Adolf Hitler yes, but a thousand times no to the brown big-wigs” [the ‘establishment’] was scribbled on one ballot-paper in Potsdam. The same sentiment could be heard elsewhere.

[The ‘great’ business achievements of Trump as opposed to the great bankruptcies of Trump.]

The personalized focus of the regime’s “successes” reflected the ceaseless efforts of propaganda, which had been consciously directed to creating and building up the “heroic” image of Hitler as a towering genius, to the extent that Joseph Goebbels could in 1941 with some justification claim the creation of the Führer Myth to have been his greatest propaganda achievement.

The propaganda image was never better summarized than by Hitler himself in his Reichstag speech of 28 April 1939 (which Haffner also cited):

‘By My Own Efforts’

“I overcame chaos in Germany, restored order, enormously raised production in all fields of our national economy…I succeeded in completely resettling in useful production those 7 million unemployed who so touched our hearts…I have not only politically united the German nation but also rearmed it militarily, and I have further tried to liquidate that Treaty sheet by sheet whose 448 Articles contain the vilest rape that nations and human beings have ever been expected to submit to. I have restored to the Reich the provinces grabbed from us in 1919; I have led millions of deeply unhappy Germans, who have been snatched away from us, back into the Fatherland; I have restored the thousand-year-old historical unity of German living space; and I have attempted to accomplish all that without shedding blood and without inflicting the sufferings of war on my people or any other. I have accomplished all this, as one who 21 years ago was still an unknown worker and soldier of my people, by my own efforts…”

The claim that the change in Germany’s fortunes had been achieved single-handedly was, of course, absurd. Fascinating, nevertheless, in this litany of what most ordinary Germans at the time could only have seen as astonishing personal successes of the Führer, is that they represented national “attainments” rather than reflecting central tenets of Hitler’s own Weltanschauung. There was not a word in this passage of the pathological obsession with “removing” the Jews [Trump’s plan for ‘illegal immigrants’], or of the need for war to acquire living space. Restoration of order, rebuilding the economy, removal of the scourge of unemployment, demolition of the restrictions of the hated Versailles Treaty [Trump’s rhetoric on current treaties], and the establishment of national unity all had wide popular resonance, ranging far beyond die-hard Nazis, appealing in fact in different ways to practically every sector of society. Opinion surveys long after the end of the Second World War show that many people, even then, continued to associate these “achievements” positively with Hitler.

The parallels with Trump and Hitler are clear and foreboding. If we have not learned from History, History will repeat itself and we will have no one else to blame but ourselves. Please, save the world, get out and do whatever it takes to vote for Hillary!