Schrödinger had it wrong…

As we all know, the cat is in the box with a flask of cyanide. A single radioactive isotope is also in the box with a radioactive sensor. If the sensor detects the isotope the cyanide is released and the cat will die. The state of the cat is simultaneously dead and alive until someone looks into the box. The act of observing the cat as either dead or alive collapses the quantum superposition wave function and reality is constrained into one possibility to the other.

Actually, this is wrong…

When the box opens, the cat observes whether there is an observer or not. Until the cat observes the observer the observer exists and does not exist. The act of the cat observing determines whether the observer exists or not. If the cat sees an observer the observer exists. If the cat does not see the observer the observer does not exist. The cat actually collapses the wave function and only lets the idiot observing think he or she collapsed the idiotic wave function.

1 thought on “Schrödinger had it wrong…

  1. M D Post author

    As I have already received an objection, let me state it here: How can the observer know that the cat is alive or dead if the cat confers the observer his or her existence or not?

    Well, that is quite easy. If the cat collapses the wave function such that the observer does not exist then there is no observer to know if the cat is dead or not therefore, the observer will never know that he or she does not know since the observer does not exist. Therefore, only the positive, the observation that the cat is dead or alive can ever be known since the only one that can observe the observer is the cat. In other words, the observer really does not matter so quite trying to bother that cat about such trivialities. No wonder cats think humans are so dumb.

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