Tag Archives: attorney general

My Email to the Attorney General of Colorado

If you would like to send an email, here is the address:


Dear Mr. Sutthers,

I know you really believe in what you are doing with this law suit against the Federal Government. I know you also know that your opposition believes that this is merely a political vendetta. Obviously, nothing I can say will change your mind but I would like you to keep one thing in your mind while you are pursuing this case:

– Colorado is looking at laying off a lot of teachers in the next few years

– State budgets having been teetering on failure for quite some time

-Every fifty thousand dollars you spend on this case is a teacher that will get laid off and innumerable children that will suffer long term consequences

I hope you have resolved this issue in your mind because this is the brute fact that will proceed from your action. I, for one, will be looking intensely into what is being spent on this venture and I know many others will as well. Please act wisely as this involves more than your anger or merely your interpretation of the law – look realistically at the chance of winning the case or just making headlines at the cost of teacher’s jobs…