How I Really Feel About Contemporary Republicans

For those of us that are proudly left of liberal the density of the last eight years slowly passes as a dark, soulless sludge.  We have never recognized ourselves in the reactionary slogans of the Republicans.  We only see their own narcissistic, dark dreams personified when they begrudge liberals or the left.  We still do not see president-elect Obama as a leftist ticket to power.  He is certainly a refreshing break from the dark mandrills of the right.  He offers the possibility for balance and sense as opposed to endless, self-righteous pontifications.  Since Reagan with the exception of Clinton, many of us felt the repulsiveness and alienation that the Republicans should be feeling now.  We have not been a part of the national debate only a pin-up cartoon of the right.  We know that the follies and decaying ideologies of the right would cave into their own dust and blow away but the stench of their rotten ideas reeked nausea in our entrails.  President-elect Obama is not left.  His stated ideology is not even liberal.  He is actually a centrist.  The thought of “centrist” has been hijacked for too many years by those that would make it ever so increasing right of the chest beating, never extreme enough right.

 Yep, Republicans are scared to death about the dark awakening.  They have lorded over the destruction of the middle class and did a brilliant job of getting folks to believe we were all “middle class” while things just kept getting tighter and tighter for those making under 100k/year.  They cut taxes? – how would you know if you make under 100K/year? – all the while health care has gone up, insurance, mortgages, food, gas for way too long, college tuition and we hung on like rats on a sinking ship, telling ourselves we were “middle class”, while the well to do bailed out and went to their favorite private island.  They killed our children and told us it was for freedom.  We were not middle class; we were duped, robbed, mugged and made to feel grateful for it.  Their children never pay the “ultimate price”.  Now the veil has been torn and the obvious can no longer be denied.  Their PR wears thin.  Their philosophy fails and they can no longer peddle their wares on the street.  They lost the election and every time they bellow and moan about the liberals, the evil government, socialism, they only show their clay feet and remind us of their legacy of tragedy.  All these vile terms they hurl look good compared to their bankrupt ideology.  Their violent sneers are all over the blogosphere. Their insults amuse.  They have yet to see the repercussions of their demise as they retreat back into their caverns to eat their own.  They only rattle their chains when they preach to their choir.  Only when they see their own dark face in all they now despise will they find the possibility for redemption.  “Class Warfare” is their term to remind them of their deepest fear – that average folks may wake and rise from their Darwinian oblivion.

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