Capitalism or Marxism

What is it we do not like about Marxism? Is it the lack of motivation to create real value? What is the practical difference between a government based economy and a credit based economy? When money is free, money has no value. If Capitalism or Marxism is in the business of bankrupting value there is no difference with regard to the disruption of production. Why extol the virtues of Capitalism when it enslaves folks to getting more debt/credit to pay off last month’s debt/credit? Any influx of capital that is so large no one could ever spend it, even in the form of endless credit, will squelch motivation, reduce productivity and motivation – it reduces value. Don’t think for a second that capitalism is inherently immune from `what the bad guys do’ or that government is the only way to bring an economy to a grinding halt (to repackage a quote – those that do not learn the lesson of recent history only welcome it once again) – private enterprise can just as easily conjure up all the practical evils of the dreaded Marxist ideology.

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