Romney, CNN and Bain Capital

After reading this article by Brianna Keilar at CNN I submitted this comment:

“Romney stopped his day-to-day oversight at Bain Capital in 1999 when he left to run the Salt Lake City Olympics, though he officially remained CEO until 2002.”

How do you get a CEO job where you do not have to do anything and you are not responsible for anything that happens on your ‘CEO watch’? There is clearly a right wing bias in this story. This tacit assumption takes Mitt’s rationalization as fact. What happened to critical journalism? As “Chief Executive Officer” you are chiefly responsible for executive decisions, right?….even if you would prefer to blame others for bad decisions, the buck stops with you…unless you are Romney or Bush – then you get special dispensation with special meanings to words that reporters should just parrot as fact!

CNN censored this comment. I do not want to believe they normally do such things on comments like this but it is a bit disturbing and Rush Limbaugh-like.


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