Tag Archives: mosque

Regarding the Proposed Mosque in New York City

Concerning this article:


Do people care about philosophical consistency these days? Timothy McVeigh was Catholic. There is a Catholic Church half a mile from the Murrah building. If you oppose the mosque in New York City why wouldn’t you oppose the Catholic Church in Oklahoma City? …unless there is something else at work here like racism…if you are a racist admit it…why play games around the issue? …same with the immigration issue…at least liberals have an ideology they can be straight about!

I guess if you love Ayn Rand, Absolute EGO, Darwinian politics/marketplace/ideas then might makes right. The rich, the powerful and big business are the real things and sophistry is the tool to get the masses to vote for you. Get your guns out folks. Evolution, climate change and Einstein (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/conservapedia_founder_takes_on_the_notorious_liber.php) are all liberal plots to keep folks from reading the Bible. We are putting the petal to the metal and going in full reverse to the dark ages. At least they knew how to treat the powerful!

– Thank You Rachel Maddow!